Category: "Announcements [A]"
WordPress Serialize the JSON object
Although WordPress got its own JSON API, you still have your own JSON API for your own plugin and serialize your own data. That is not a problem. WordPress library got a function to serialize any objects to JSON Format. That is very easy. You can use this function in any parts of your plug-in.
I upgraded this blog to b2evolution 6.7.7
I have upgraded this blog to b2evolution 6.7.7. I found that is great, the backend is more beautiful and clean too. I found the color scheme too. One thing is good to b2evolution comparing with other blog platforms; that is a very standalone platform which got most functions you need. If you just need it to do blogging, then that is perfect, you do not need to install a single plugin. But the downside, you cannot use it for another purpose. Well, I just need this blog to do blogging. That is good enough. By the way, I installed a responsive skin too. I found that is the best way to get more traffic. Now, Google will downgrade the ranking if any websites are not mobile friendly.
How to set whether display error in php
By the default, whether the php will display error message is controlled by php.ini. If you are using a shared host, you cannot change it. So, you have to add this line of code on the first line of your php file:
ini_set('display_errors','on'); |
That is to display the error message , To hide all error message, just use this:
ini_set('display_errors','off'); |
Check contains a string
In PHP, there is not a simple function similar with C#, such as '"michael".contains("mich")'. However, you can use strpos which is to find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. because if it cannot fund a substring in a string, it will return false. Thus, if it doesn't return false, therefore the substring is existed.
strpos($address['name'], 'michael')!==false |
WordPress 3.4.2 is released
WordPress 3.4.2 is released. This times is a security update. So, that is very important, moreover, they fixed some browsers in admin area.