Give up using my own code, start to use open-source
I am a IT guy in my fellowship. Three years ago, I started to learn PHP. I developed the first version contact management system. Now, I will use open-source system, may be I will develop some codes. I may add some aJax function.
There are some open source existing system in my fellowship. Mailman is the email list system. It enhance the communications among the members. Now, we have an email address which reach all members. Moreover, I used CopperMine as the photo album. Previously, we had a big photo. If someone take a photo his/her camera, he/she needs to send to everyone. In most of the cases, he/she forgot about it. Now they need to send it to me , I will upload for them. Or I trusted him/her enough and give an account to him/her, he/she can do it by himself/herself.
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