Laptop to be home use
I got a mobile office, I need to work in different clients' office, that is the reason I need to use a laptop. However, when I work in my work, a laptop is not good enough for me and I cannot always work with a smaller screen. Buy a dock station is the best solution for our kind, I can connect an external disk via USB 3.0, which is the data storage for videos and photo and most of dock stations have video card inside, I can connect with monitors from the display ports from dock stations. Then I can have a better work equipment at home! Alternative, there is a cut-budget option, just using an external usb 3.0 hub, which is the solution I am using. I connected the mouse, keyboard and external disks from USB hub. The only down side is only a monitor can use, because I have to the HDMI from the laptop.
By the way, I wish in future, some one can built a dock station with a CPU and ram, so when I park my laptop to the dock station, I can have a better computer. Currently, Microsoft surface is using a similar approach. When the tablet part connected with keyboard, it can connect with the graphic card in the keyboard side, then it can performance better.
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