Microsoft Bizspark Developer Camp - Windows/Windows Phone 8
Today, I went to the Microsoft Brisbane Office. This is for attending Microsoft Bizspark Developer Camp - Windows/Windows Phone 8.
The meeting was great! We learnt Windows Azure, PhoneGap and developing Windows Store Apps. A ton of useful content. The most impression content was about Windows Azure Mobile Service. That is all around cloud-based restful service. You can use the restful service to modify the cloud data. Moreover, it has access control and corn job. That is quite good. The most important feature is push notification, it supports their push notification service, ios and google too!
Besides the technologies, they have some opportunities to share our experiences on development of Windows 8 and Windows Phone Apps. There is a QUT student who developed a Windows Phone App. This app is listed as the Top 10 app. He got under spot lights. He is developing a paid version, he believe this app can earn some money. That is interesting. It sounds like there are some successful stories in Windows 8 / Windows Phone 8 apps world.
After this meeting, I will spend sometime to learn Windows 8 Apps Development. This area sounds matured and a good area to exploring.
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