Microsoft Tag
One of my twitter friends mentioned "Microsoft Tag", so I had a look in Mirosoft Tag website. That looks like a Bar code. Actually, that is very QR Code. But you need to download the scanner program from Microsoft. No worries, it supported in the most of platforms,Windows Mobile,iPhone,Blackberry,Symbian S60 2nd, 3rd Editions,J2ME. Even I tried on my Android phone as well, there is a Microsoft Tag reader app in the Android Market. The app worked fine in my HTC Magic. One interesting point I found is all URL directs need to go through Microsoft Servers. When I scan a QR Code with a web address, a web browser will be poped up and load the URL directly. But when I scan a Microsoft Tag, it will load a URL with Microsoft Server Address. I believe the reason for this is tracking the scan. After I logined at Microsoft Tag, I can generate a report about the number of scans for each tag!
Well, that is another interesting technology. But I am more prefer to use QR Code because that is a "opened" standard!
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