Our .Net CMS - AdvGenCMS
Recently, our Company(AdvanGeneration) have built a lightweight .Net CMS,AdvGenCMS. I did some researches for .Net CMS. The most of them have own their ORM and Dependency injection framework. That is very hard to adapt into a web development framework. Thus, we decided to build our own.
AdvGenCMS is very simple. Our ORM is ms entity framework. Moreover, we have not any dependency injection framework. Currently, it used a factory design pattern, but that can choose to add dependency injection framework on your choice. Lastly, it used ASP.Net MVC. All of them are very very standard Microsoft technologies.
I don't want to add any functions you don't need. I just needed the core functions. Our CMS should be as simple as possible.
It has a user management function:
Moreover, it has a page function. You can add the static content and access them via http://[server]/Content/[PageName]
Lastly, it uses tinymce to be a html editor.
Let's use AdvGenCMS to be your web development framework. It uses Apache License.
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