The way to watch TV
In the past, we watched TV via an antenna. We needed to follow the station time table to watch the programs. I still remember I had a video recorder to record any programs I missed by using a timer to set the recording time.
During recent years, in Australia, our ways of watching TV are changed. Now, we watch TV via the internet, not via an antenna anymore. A lot of friends had some online TVB subscriptions, such as Netflix or TVBA. Even some people like us not willing to spend on watching TV. All free-view TV stations are available on the internet. We can watch the live broadcast via the internet. A lot of newer TVs have built-in FreeView app, that is very easy to navigate via your TV remote. For us, they got an old TV. But I had a Raspberry PI, which can act as a TV box to connect the internet from our TV. Also, in Brisbane, some areas have not a very good TV signal. So, watching TV via internet is more stable. Moreover, some stations have free Program On -Demand service, so I can watch the programs I like in any time I like!
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