The steps to install OpenOffice 3.0 in Ununtu 8.04
At the website of OpenOffice, that is only providing RPM. Ununtu doesn't support that, and dapper has not version 3.0 yet. So it needs to do manually.
1. Go to
2. Download Linux DEB.
3. Untar the package.
4. Go to ./DEB
sudo dpkg -i *.deb |
5. Go to ./DEB/desktop-integration
sudo dpkg -i openoffice.org3.0-debian-menus_3.0-9354_all.deb |
This is to create the shortcuts in our menu group.
Note that: if you have installed the previous version of OpenOffice, please remove that. Unless dpkg will generate an error message to tell you the packages have the conflicts.
Openoffice Administration Guide
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