Why do you buy Laptop?
I was an oversea student. My friends around myself at that time, most of them got a Laptop. I was wondering why?!!!! Laptop is near double price as the same level of the desktop.I have talked with them for this question. Most of them bought their Laptop from their home country so that they use computer at the first day in Australia. Moreover, they didn't know where can buy computer in Australia when they were new in Australia. Thus, the best choice was buying a Laptop in their home country.
Well, I bought a Desktop in Hong Kong and brought to there, because I think Laptop is cost too much and hard to upgrade. But two years ago, I bought a Laptop in Hong Kong too. At that time, I am already working as Programmer. I need a new computer at home and in some situations, I needed to bring my work between office and home. Thus, this is good to have a Laptop.
I bought a Laptop for good reasons.
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