Windows Mobile without Visual Studio
That is a good article to teach yourself for the mobile application in SharpDevelopment
Tablet Netbook
I read the news from gOS Homepage. There is a press release about Gigabyte will put a touch screen netbook. I like to call it "Tablet Netbook".
Try out for Sun Virtual Box
I have installed Sun Virtual Box in My Windows Vista Box(Core 2 Duo 2.6GHz and 2GB).That is not bad at all. I have VMWave Workstation before. At the hosted OS, VMWave Workstation seem to be used less resouces. If I opened a vm, my hosted OS are running smoothly. But if I run a vm in Virtual Box, my Host OS is very very slow. But Virtual Box is free and VMWare Workstation is a commerical application.
Deleted items in Mapped Network Drive will not go to Recycle bin
I am helping my uncle to improve his computers. He told Deleted items in Mapped Network Drive will not go to Recycle bin. If he deleted an item in a mapped network drive, he will not able to recover that in his Recycle bin. Today, this is the frist times, I realized that is a problem. I believe network drive is not for the user to do the daily operations, that is for backup and sharing the documents. You should not move those files around, so that is rare to delete the file.
Programmer does not only write code.
I have listened an online radio show today. In the show, they mentioned "Programmer does not only write code. We do design as well!" I totally agree with them.
Even I write the application for myself, I will write a Requirement Specification. It will included a paragraph about the background of application(What is the application does, Why do I write this application), system specification(Hardware&Software) and User cases.
Programmer=> Application + Design + Documentations + Testing!