PHP good site
I found a good site today.
There are a news, PHP events and tutorials. I like the tutorial sections. A lot of useful tutorials in ther!!!
Recall some of your memories?
I checked the price of a new hard disk. Now, around $100 , then I can get a 200 GB hard disk. Around 50 cents, a GB. A GB... do you know some years ago, we claimed a GB can hold all of your works during your life time. Some of my friends got a GB removeable disk, then they said they were bring all of their work walking in the street.
I just watched the video about LINQ from microsoft. It seems to be more easy to do the C# database programming. It does O-R mapping. That 's similar with NHibernate. I will try during this week.
Let's check it out:
Setup PHP into windows
Last night, I setup PHP server in my Windows XP box.
There are steps I did:
1. Download PHP installer from
2. Run it.
(Note: Remember PHP will run in CGI mode, there are no PEAR library)
3. Go to and it as a PHP file in the PHP root dir.
4. run http://localhost/php/go-pear.php.
5. edit [WINDOWS]\php.ini
include_path = ".;c:\php\includes;[PHP_root]\PEAR"
I hope these steps can help you.