New MS C# Exam
Miscrosoft has lanched their new set of C# exam
Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD)
PHP future?
Yesterday, I am writing some PHP codes for myself.
I am woundering which way PHP will go.
PHP got some OOP features.
But PHP is very good at scripting.
If I have somethings need to be done in very quick manner, I must choose PHP.
OOP or Scripting?
PHP 5.1.0 is released
PHP 5.1.0 is released.
I like the PDO.
DataGird is a very useful in .Net.
But this is not very flexibility.
Today, I have spent an hour to find a solution to a customized button in DataGird.
Finally, this is better to use some javascripts.
New Gen IT Programmer?
I have met a student from university last friday.He is near to be gradauted.He is completely lost in IT world.He thinks Programming is very hard.He just wants to go back Hong Kong and find a non-IT job. Why? His family spent a money in his degree. Now, he wants to exit IT world. Is it a kind of wasting money?
Well, the world is changing. Maybe, one day, I need to exit IT world too.