Constructing my own website.
I am building a website for myself.
There is no content at this moment.
I only did the layout.
Moreover, I am building a layout for IT Blogs as well.
But this week, I am stil busy with job hunting, accounting assignments and some friends' gethering!
Busy, Busy, Busy!
Google's business model
Gooogle has email, search engine, News Feed, Translation services, Blogging, online Shopping, Maps, etc.
Their business model seem to be cover everythings.
Well, They are big enough to run that model.
I believe IT Blogs model shoule be still in tiny model.
Preparing Accounting Exam.
I am busy with preparation of accounting exam.
I may post fewer articles for this week.
IT Workers shortage?
I got an email from a job search website.
They claimed there is a IT workers shortage in Australia.
I have some doubts about this.
Which parts of Australia got the shortage?
Which field got the shortage?
The statement is too general.
New Service of IT Blogs
I have installed an email management system.
Now, you can join the email list of this web site.
You can get the latest update about this web site.