Free Bootstrap Templates @ BootstrapZero
I found a good website for Bootstrap, BootstrapZero.. There are some starter kit to build a bootstrap website, such as a basic image slider website, admin console and silde bar website. Moreover, there are a number good free bootstap templates, such as a google plus like and facebook like templates. All of them are free of charge under a MIT License. I found there are enough resources to build a website. I do not need to buy other stuff online.
Horizontal Stackpanel in WPF
Stackpanel is a useful layout control in WPF. If you have a set of elements need to sit side by side each other, this is your best option. For example, in my advgen contact manager, in the right hand side, there is a set of buttons. Thus, I placed a stack panel. However, by the default, the controls inside the panel will flow in vertical direct, you need to set Orientation="Horizontal"
<StackPanel FlowDirection="LeftToRight" Orientation="Horizontal">
Styles in WPF
I have some styling in my WPF opensource project, AdvGen Contact Manager. That is similar with css, just state the class name like :
Style="{StaticResource BluePanel}">
UIAlertView Button Click in IOS
if you only have an ok button for alert view, that is easy.
However, if you have more than an "OK" button, you need to implement your controller as UIAlertViewDelegate
For example:
@interface TipRecordListViewController : UITableViewController < uialertviewdelegate >
You need to implement clickedButtonAtIndex
-(void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex{ |
The buttonIndex will tell you which button is clicked
Software Subscription
Source:Open Clip ArtUsing Under Public Domain Attribution
Adobe stopped to sell their software, it goes all Subscription base business model. Even Microsoft sounds more keen to sell Office 365 Subscription than their Office 2013. I believe that is a future trend. The users can apply a subscription fee which is relative cheaper than a one-off fee to own the software. Moreover, the users always can get the latest software with the subscription. That sounds cool. But the users need to renew their subscription annually or monthly. Well, even we buy the software, we need to buy a upgrad version every few years.