Horizontal Stackpanel in WPF
Stackpanel is a useful layout control in WPF. If you have a set of elements need to sit side by side each other, this is your best option. For example, in my advgen contact manager, in the right hand side, there is a set of buttons. Thus, I placed a stack panel. However, by the default, the controls inside the panel will flow in vertical direct, you need to set Orientation="Horizontal"
<StackPanel FlowDirection="LeftToRight" Orientation="Horizontal">
Styles in WPF
I have some styling in my WPF opensource project, AdvGen Contact Manager. That is similar with css, just state the class name like :
Style="{StaticResource BluePanel}">
Running SQL Backup in .Net
If you are using SQL Express, you have sql agent to do the backup for you. The only way is using T-SQL in a application code to do that.
I have a C# library to do and winfrom application to do the scheduled task as the example, click here to buy it. That is only AUD$3! It can save you few hours of programming, That is very easy, just like the example below
AdvGenSQLBackup backup = new AdvGenSQLBackup(); | |
backup.DBName = txtDBName.Text; | |
backup.Server = txtServerName.Text; | |
backup.UserName = txtUserName.Text; | |
backup.Password = txtPassword.Text; | |
backup.File = txtFile.Text; | |
backup.Run(); |
Moreover, you can use it in your web application. Then your web application can generate a backup file to your users for downloading.That is very useful.
Creating my first MVC5 Project
In the old time, we choose the MVC project templates to create a new project.
In the Visual Studio 2013, The workflow to create a new MVC5 project is different from the old versions. It changed the concept, MVC is a type of web application. So, we select File -> New -> Project ....
Visual Studio 2013 and MVC5
I just installed Visual Studio 2013. Moreover, I started to build a MVC 5 project. That is great, it is integrated with Bootstrap and css less by default. The web application is fully responsive, works well in Tablet and Mobile too. In addition, MVC5 can support "~". such as src="~/Images/a.png" in img tag. We don't need to use Url.Content(~/Images/a.png"). It makes coding faster. I love these improvement. There is only one down side, Visual Studio 2013 ate much more CPU and Memory. It runs very slow in 8GB RAM and 2nd Generation Core i7 2Ghz laptop.