I love software prototype
I love software prototype. Firstly, it can verify whether requirements can be implemented. Moreover, it can identify the most risky part of the systems and the programmers can acquire the skills raidly. For my personal projects, I was not sure whether .Net can searialize a List which contains a number of serialiable objects. So, I wrote a prototype which serialized a List which contains three serialiable objects into a 'test.dat'. Then that works. After that, I can write my little diary application.
EEE Touch Screen PC.
I went to Harvey Norman last Friday. I saw a touch screen PC in EEE series. That is running a XP. It looks very very cool. But it costs a bit over $1000(the number in my memory). For more info,http://www.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=24&l2=169
WordPress 2.7.1 is released
WordPress 2.7.1 is released. That is the first maintenance release for WordPres 2.7.
Multitouches tablet PC
Dell has released a multitouches tablet PC, Latitube XT2. It got multitouches zoom in and out functions which looks similar with iPhone. But it costs a lot of money. In Australia website, the price has not released yet. But in US, that is starting from USD$2399(around $3672 Aussie dollars). That is too much for myself.
Free Diary Application
I created an application by using C# Serialization/Deserialization. This application can allow you to enter your diary everyday. This is tiny and easy to use.
Note that, that is only a toy to practice C# for myself. We are not responsible for any kinds of damage.