openoffice 3M download hits
Openoffice 3 mil download hits.
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There will be still strong in IT if we can find the way to help the company cutting cost.
I have asked about the future of IT industry under the current situation. Well, IT is a kind of business supportive industry. If the business is good, IT industry will be good. But if we can foucs on helping the business to cut cost by using IT system. I believe the trend of company to cut cost. Moreover, the best salse model should have paid by monthly service fee. I think the company will be more willing to pay the monthly service fee than a large block of cash one-off.
Always, there will be tomorrow , and future. All we need to use do, spending more brain power!
Internet Radio
I saw an Internet Radio from ASUS. It can use LAN connection to listen more than 1000 stations. But the price is not very good for me, more than $200
Optus Network was down
I am using Optus Mobile, home phone and boardband internet. This morning, I found I cannot use internet until around 2pm. Moreover, my mobile was not working as well. Afterward, I read the news a cable was broken this morning. A lot of QLD optus users were affected
Hard disk backup
I just went back from Hong Kong. I got an external harddisk around HKD$500 for 160GB. Well, I believe there is not many reasons for myself to burn DVDs as the backup method. I got a NAS at home. Now, I will create another copy in my external harddisk. It saves time and money.