End of my Internet Free Holidays
I backed to Brisbane now. I am siting in front of my computer again. Well, I think that should be good enough. I had 9 days holidays. I have explored the Australia Natural Environment.
Wasted too much money on IT product.
I cleaned up my home. I found I have a ton of not used or only used one or two times IT goods. I have wasted so much money on those things. I had two old plam PDA, but I have not used them so much. Moreover, I have a DVD burner and I have burned two DVDs. Luckily, I bought that similar with a CD-R burner.
Moreover, my computer is used to be a high-end one. Now, it isn't anymore.
Quality Assurance (QA)
What is QA? Is QA equal to Unit Testing + System Testing. I would like to draw a personal defination for QA. I think there are another step. That is Feedback. Unit Testing and System testing can only verify the system is acting according to the specification. But is it the system preforms in the best way? Does it fit the standards? QA needs to get feedback from the testers or clients. QA can seek the way to improve the system. What do you think about think?
VOIP Wireless Phone
I am thinking to buy a VOIP Wireless Phone. It costs around AUS$70 from eBay. I am a frequent user of VOIP, because my family and friends are still in Hong Kong while I am in Australia now. I am so convenience to have VOIP Wirelss Phone. I can talk like using a normal phone and walking around my house. Moreover, I am tired to use headphone and Microphone. This is a kind of strange man...
But the major drawback, that is pricing. I will have a trip to Northen Queensland and planned to have another trip next trip to Hong Kong. I really need to save some money. Thus, I gave it up finally.