Will Computers rule the world?
I remembered around ten year ago. I hear about a news that the researchers predicted there is a computer who has same power as our brain. Ten years has gone, so far, I have not seen a computer like that.
Good AJAX Source
I found a good AJAX Source from
Today, I read AJAX. AJAX is so good. This makes the page is more interactive. Moreover, it can enhance the performance of web apps.
FireFox has lanched
Link: http://skynovel.info/programmer/?page_id=3
FireFox has lanched. Get it Now Today! I love FireFox!More ....
CRT Monitor fade out
Do you still have CRT Monitor? I looked around my friends are giving up their CRT Monitors, and buy a new LCD Monitor. But some gaming friends are still fans CRT. They believe CRT is good for playing games